Film Literacy

Film Literacy

Beta Filmworks, Diane Evans and Leeds Young Film working with our national, regional and local partners Into Film, CapeUK, University of Leeds have developed an innovative and engaging approach to raise attainment in literacy linked to the new curriculum.

This professional development programme will be informed by the most up-to-date research about children and literacy and the role film has to play in progression in English. Throughout the course connections will be made to the new English curriculum (including SPaG). The programme will enable improvement in:

  • Attainment
  • Speaking and listening, reading and writing
  • Attendance & Behaviour
  • Teachers’ planning and delivery

As well as the following benefits:

  • Children taking on increased responsibility for their learning
  • Raised self-esteem, showing pride in their work
  • Increased pupil voice
  • More enthusiasm and motivation, including improved attitude towards learning and writing
  • Encourage collaborative methods of working

Who is it open to?

The training programme is open to all primary schools and is aimed at Literacy, Computing subject leaders and all practitioners with an interest in using film more effectively in the classroom.

Who are the delivery partners?

The delivery is a partnership between Leeds Young Film, (Leeds City Council), Beta Filmworks (film education specialists) and Diane Evans (Independent Literacy and School Improvement Consultant).

Who was the project developed with?

Developed in partnership with CapeUK, The Arts Council England’s bridge organisation for Yorkshire and the Humber’ the programme is supported by Into Film; a charity supported by the BFI and a number of other sources to enable watching, making and critical understanding of films for students at every school in the UK and the University of Leeds – Dr Becky Parry, School of Education, author ‘Children, Film & Literacy’ (2013)

How will the programme be delivered?

The programme runs from the Autumn Term 2015 to the end of the Summer Term 2016 comprising:

Three face to face training days – introducing strategies to improve literacy using film and filmmaking, opportunities for collaborative planning, sharing outstanding practice

An interim school visit from a course leader

A celebration event at a local cinema for the schools involved in the programme

Access to resources via a programme website with the opportunity to share planning and ideas.

Cost & Booking

There will be a cost to schools. Please complete the booking form as soon as possible as places are limited. If you require further information please contact Martin Grund at Leeds Young Film on 0113 247 8398.

Click here to express an interest
